Increase sales
Collect customer feedback that increases website traffic, drives sales and provides actionable business information.
Control your image
It can be really difficult to reply in time to each review. Automate post-purchase communication, especially when you have profiles on multiple review sites.
Loyal customers
Meet the customers, respond to their concerns and create lasting relationships that will result in more returning visitors.
Building trust
79% of consumers trust reviews, so shorten the process of making decisions by customers. Build trust in your brand by showing your reviews.
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How to analyze customer opinions?

How to analyze customer opinions?


Now that you have gathered feedback, it's time to analyze it. To check ratings and customer reviews, follow the steps below.


  1. Go to the Ratings and Reviews tab.
  2. At the top, you will find filters that will allow you to analyze different types of reviews.
  3. In the Categories section, you can see what obstacles customers encounter when using your offer.
  4. In the table, you will see ratings and comments according to the filters you have chosen.
  5. Also, pay attention to the sentiment of the reviews (red or green bar).


Very important! Don't forget to respond to every review that appears.


Once you know your customers' pain points, try to make changes in the company's operations that will increase customer satisfaction. Maybe you need to look at customer service? Or maybe it's time to change your product supplier?

    var RatingCaptain_data_script = {
        /* REQUIRED | Email, on this address will be send message */
            "email": "{$order->email}",
        /* REQUIRED | Order in your system, this field should be unique */
            "external_id": "{$order->id}",
        /* Optional - Products in this order, each product must have id name and price. */
        "products": [
                        "id": "{$product->id}",
                        "name": "{$product->name}",
                        "price": "{$product->price}",
                        "imageUrl": "{$product->image}",
<script src="[Your website token]" async></script>

*Each item in bold must be properly configured depending on your system.
*Website token you can find here: Website page.
    var rc_products = {/literal}[{foreach from=$items item=i name=list}
    'id': '{$i->product_id}',
    'name': '{$i->name}',
    'price': '{$i->price_gross|money_without_currency}',
    'imageUrl': '{$i->product->images[0]->url|product_img_url:th100}'
        var RatingCaptain_data_script = {
            "email": '{client_email}',
            "external_id": '{order_id}',
            "products": rc_products
<script src="[Your website token]" async></script>

*Website token you can find here: Website page.
    var rc_products = [{products}
        "id": "{products.product_id}",
        "price": "{products.float_price}",
        "imageUrl": "{products.img}",
        "name": "{}"
    var RatingCaptain_data_script = {
        "email": '{email}',
        "external_id": '{order_id}',
        "products": rc_products
<script src="[Your website token]" async></script>

*Website token you can find here: Website page.
    var RatingCaptain_data_script = {
            "email": "[[email]]",
            "external_id": "[[orderid]]"
<script src="[Your website token]" async></script>

*Website token you can find here: Website page.
{% block page_checkout_finish_rating_captain %}
    {% set ratingProducts = [] %}
    {% for lineItem in page.order.lineItems.elements %}
        {% if lineItem.type is same as 'product' %}
            {% if lineItem.cover.url %}
                {% set ratingProduct = {
                    id: lineItem.payload.productNumber,
                    name: lineItem.label,
                    price: lineItem.price.totalPrice,
                    imageUrl: lineItem.cover.url,
                } %}
            {% else %}
                {% set ratingProduct = {
                    id: lineItem.payload.productNumber,
                    name: lineItem.label,
                    price: lineItem.price.totalPrice,
                } %}
            {% endif %}
            {% set ratingProducts = ratingProducts|merge([ratingProduct]) %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% set ratingCaptainData = {
        external_id: page.order.orderNumber,
        products: ratingProducts
    } %}
        var RatingCaptain_data_script = [{{ ratingCaptainData | json_encode | raw }}];
    <script src="[Your website token]" async></script>
{% endblock %}

*Website token you can find here: Website page.
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Watch our video explaining the basic functions of Rating Captain.
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