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Voluum opinie

Informacje o Voluum

16 opinii

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Ostatnia aktualizacja: 08.06.2022

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Gabriel Rodríguez
One of the worst tools I have ever used. Avoid using this kind of software at all cost. It is anti-intuitive, hard to use and they charge you for everything. Dont you date to think that they will help you use their tool because you are wrong. They are going to try to charge you 400 for that.... But that's not all, they give you a tracking pixel with a random generated website, and that have activated red flags for Google so they have paused every campaign we had, because they thought that the Voluum pixel is malicious software. We are even afraid that it might affect our website in general. Please, listen to me, it is not worthy buying or trying this extremelly bad software.
We've been happy Voluum users for more than 6 years now. They offer the best product for tracking campaigns. If you're an affiliate your tracking is the backbone of your whole company. That's why we use the best in class. They continue to develop new features and their communication and support is great.
Raj Gujral
I started using Voluum a year ago to manage all my publisher campaigns. Our company uses Voluum to manage all media buying campaigns as well. This is by far one of the smartest and robust traffic distributors in the market. The platform is built with the user in mind to keep it very straight forward and non-intimidating. I joined this company with no experience and Voluum was one of the first platforms I was directed to use. Their layout was easy and direct. Unlike other dashboards and platforms we use in advertising, Voluum has excellent step by step documentation. Additionally, their representative Kat was always available by Skype for chat or a call to help guide me in case I wasn't clear on something. Her explanations would go beyond the help documentation to ensure we fully understand what we were working on. Voluum also has the most accurate data analytics you can find. Data is in real time, click after click. Every click can deliver to your dashboards, geos, device, clickid, ip address, and much more. Conversion tracking and postbacks are easy and simple to use. If you are looking for a solid traffic distributor that can do much more than just redirect your traffic, look no further. I highly recommend Voluum to simplify managing your campaigns and help you make money $$$ !
Alexandra Gogalniceanu
We have been working with Voluum for almost 2 years now and I can honestly say it's the best tracking tool that we have ever used (we have tried over the years several trackers). It is very reliable, flexible, it has very good analytics and reporting, the interface is user friendly, it has many automations that make the life of a campaign manager easier and the dedicated account managers are always there to assist in any issue you might encounter. Moreover, features are added constantly to meet clients' needs or the changes in the industry. I highly recommend Voluum!