11 reviews
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Last update: 09.06.2022
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https://www.google.com/maps/reviews/data=!4m8!14m7!1m6!2m5!1sChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNLa2UzdlJBEAE!2m1!1s0x0:0xade79fec1f264d44!3m1!1s2@1:CIHM0ogKEICAgICKke3vRA%7CCgwIlaW9gwYQqLHBugI%7C?hl=en-US Jeffrey George
https://www.google.com/maps/place/?q=place_id:ChIJc1prZ-crW4YRRE0mH-yf560 So glad I could help, Jeff! Let me know if you need anything else.
Mr. Rabalais was kind enough with his time to offer much-needed technical advice for a music video shoot. So, not only is his work top rate, but his diverse knowledge helped advance a project that he was not directly involved with. Thank you again!
https://www.google.com/maps/reviews/data=!4m8!14m7!1m6!2m5!1sChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNLaWJDOERBEAE!2m1!1s0x0:0xade79fec1f264d44!3m1!1s2@1:CIHM0ogKEICAgICKibC8DA%7CCgwIwZfCgwYQwKHqxgM%7C?hl=en-US Corey H
https://www.google.com/maps/place/?q=place_id:ChIJc1prZ-crW4YRRE0mH-yf560 Thanks so much, Corey! It's always great to work with you.
Ive worked with David on several projects over the years. Hes professional, creative, and a pleasure to do business with.
https://www.google.com/maps/reviews/data=!4m8!14m7!1m6!2m5!1sChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNLdFBHZ1FnEAE!2m1!1s0x0:0xade79fec1f264d44!3m1!1s2@1:CIHM0ogKEICAgICKtPGgQg%7CCgsIxYmJgwYQsIrtOg%7C?hl=en-US RandyDiddly
https://www.google.com/maps/place/?q=place_id:ChIJc1prZ-crW4YRRE0mH-yf560 Thanks, Randy! Always a pleasure
All of our ads and marketing are run by Rabalais Creative. Highly recommended!
https://www.google.com/maps/reviews/data=!4m8!14m7!1m6!2m5!1sChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNLMFl6RTlBRRAB!2m1!1s0x0:0xade79fec1f264d44!3m1!1s2@1:CIHM0ogKEICAgICK0YzE9AE%7CCgsIvPu9gwYQkND7OA%7C?hl=en-US Mia Montero
https://www.google.com/maps/place/?q=place_id:ChIJc1prZ-crW4YRRE0mH-yf560 Thank you so much, Mia! Always a pleasure working with you.
I had the pleasure of working with David on a few video projects over the last few years and have always been impressed by his outstanding work. He is also such a genuine guy and cares for you and your project and wants you to be happy with it! You can really tell he works really hard to make something great.
https://www.google.com/maps/reviews/data=!4m8!14m7!1m6!2m5!1sChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNLa2VmNF9RRRAB!2m1!1s0x0:0xade79fec1f264d44!3m1!1s2@1:CIHM0ogKEICAgICKkef4_QE%7CCgsI3cO9gwYQ0MXcBQ%7C?hl=en-US Sherie Hardaway
https://www.google.com/maps/place/?q=place_id:ChIJc1prZ-crW4YRRE0mH-yf560 Thanks, Sherie!
Very professional and easy to work with!
Add your review
Mr. Rabalais was kind enough with his time to offer much-needed technical advice for a music video shoot. So, not only is his work top rate, but his diverse knowledge helped advance a project that he was not directly involved with. Thank you again!
Reply from Rabalaiscreative
4 years ago
So glad I could help, Jeff! Let me know if you need anything else.
Ive worked with David on several projects over the years. Hes professional, creative, and a pleasure to do business with.
Reply from Rabalaiscreative
4 years ago
Thanks so much, Corey! It's always great to work with you.
All of our ads and marketing are run by Rabalais Creative. Highly recommended!
Reply from Rabalaiscreative
4 years ago
Thanks, Randy! Always a pleasure
I had the pleasure of working with David on a few video projects over the last few years and have always been impressed by his outstanding work. He is also such a genuine guy and cares for you and your project and wants you to be happy with it! You can really tell he works really hard to make something great.
Reply from Rabalaiscreative
4 years ago
Thank you so much, Mia! Always a pleasure working with you.
Very professional and easy to work with!
Reply from Rabalaiscreative
4 years ago
Thanks, Sherie!
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