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Case Study

Stempleks is leading in the printing industry thanks to its opinions

Obtaining opinions, Pop-up, mediation, widgets
Stempleks is a company with many years of experience specializing in making stamps and business cards. What's more, Stempleks allows customers to create their own design, providing a wizard and ready-made templates. The company also implements graphic designs, such as banners, leaflets and roll-ups.


The store's problem was the generally low number of opinions, which are especially important in the local market. The company also struggled with false opinions added by competitors. Therefore, the challenge was to get positive feedback from the company's customers, as well as to verify the most common problems in the field of customer service.


The primary activity was to get customer reviews via e-mail. In order to analyze the needs of buyers in terms of customer service, we used artificial intelligence that detects the sentiment of statements and captures the causes of customer dissatisfaction.
In 6 years, Stempleks collected 75 opinions, the average of which was 4.8. With the help of the Rating Captain, the brand quickly gained feedback from its customers.
After less than a year of using the application, Stempleks can boast an average rating of 4.9 and an increase in the number of opinions to 655, thanks to which, after entering the phrase "stamps wrocław" in the search engine, Stempleks is at the top of the search results.

Additional benefits

In addition to the aforementioned results, Stemplex also records excellent sales results. Sales growth from the company's business card is at 117% and sales from organic results have increased by 60%. The company also saw a dynamic increase in direct sales of up to 70%.

We are proud to look at Stemplex's performance and celebrate its success.
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