L'intégration avec l'application Rating Captain vous permettra de collecter rapidement et efficacement les avis de vos clients. De plus, grâce à l'application, vous ne manquerez aucun avis sur vos profils de services d'avis. De plus, Rating Captain analysera chaque avis et vous indiquera les problèmes les plus fréquemment rencontrés par vos clients.
Commencez à collecter des avis sur votre entreprise et vos produits avec Rating Captain. N'oubliez pas de sélectionner les profils dans l'application Rating Captain pour lesquels vous souhaitez collecter des avis sur votre entreprise (par exemple, Google, Ceneo, Facebook). Vous pouvez le faire dans l'onglet Page → Profils.
Si votre application est écrite en PHP, vous pouvez utiliser notre bibliothèque sur Github.
var RatingCaptain_data_script = {
/* REQUIRED | Email, on this address will be send message */
"email": "{$order->email}",
/* REQUIRED | Order in your system, this field should be unique */
"external_id": "{$order->id}",
/* Optional - Products in this order, each product must have id name and price. */
"products": [
"id": "{$product->id}",
"name": "{$product->name}",
"price": "{$product->price}",
"imageUrl": "{$product->image}",
<script src="https://api.ratingcaptain.com/js_v2/[Your website token]" async></script>
*Each item in bold must be properly configured depending on your system.
*Website token you can find here: Website page.
var rc_products = {/literal}[{foreach from=$items item=i name=list}
'id': '{$i->product_id}',
'name': '{$i->name}',
'price': '{$i->price_gross|money_without_currency}',
'imageUrl': '{$i->product->images[0]->url|product_img_url:th100}'
var RatingCaptain_data_script = {
"email": '{client_email}',
"external_id": '{order_id}',
"products": rc_products
<script src="https://ratingcaptain.com/api/js_v2/[Your website token]" async></script>
*Website token you can find here: Website page.
var rc_products = [{products}
"id": "{products.product_id}",
"price": "{products.float_price}",
"imageUrl": "{products.img}",
"name": "{products.name}"
var RatingCaptain_data_script = {
"email": '{email}',
"external_id": '{order_id}',
"products": rc_products
<script src="https://ratingcaptain.com/api/js_v2/[Your website token]" async></script>
*Website token you can find here: Website page.
var RatingCaptain_data_script = {
"email": "[[email]]",
"external_id": "[[orderid]]"
<script src="https://ratingcaptain.com/api/js_v2/[Your website token]" async></script>
*Website token you can find here: Website page.
{% block page_checkout_finish_rating_captain %}
{% set ratingProducts = [] %}
{% for lineItem in page.order.lineItems.elements %}
{% if lineItem.type is same as 'product' %}
{% if lineItem.cover.url %}
{% set ratingProduct = {
id: lineItem.payload.productNumber,
name: lineItem.label,
price: lineItem.price.totalPrice,
imageUrl: lineItem.cover.url,
} %}
{% else %}
{% set ratingProduct = {
id: lineItem.payload.productNumber,
name: lineItem.label,
price: lineItem.price.totalPrice,
} %}
{% endif %}
{% set ratingProducts = ratingProducts|merge([ratingProduct]) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% set ratingCaptainData = {
email: page.order.orderCustomer.email,
external_id: page.order.orderNumber,
products: ratingProducts
} %}
var RatingCaptain_data_script = [{{ ratingCaptainData | json_encode | raw }}];
<script src="https://ratingcaptain.com/api/js_v2/[Your website token]" async></script>
{% endblock %}
*Website token you can find here: Website page.
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