Oceans H
N.Y.L.A.G. - From sheer laziness to professional egoism, utter negligence, ignorance and turpitude, this organization truly gave only a facade of legal representation in my case. In this case, which NYLAG accepted to represent, I was fully knowledgeable of applicable laws and case law, raised all relevant legal defenses and provided a preponderance of thoroughly documented evidence to NYLAG, but received comments such as "don't have time to perform case law research," a brush-off by NYLAG on all my case defenses without explanation, and an ultimatum that NYLAG was going to drop my case since I was asserting key civil rights and civil liberties applicable to my case defense arguments as I'd noted from day one. A NYLAG attorney assigned my case stated that he didn't have critical expertise pivotal to my case defense and stated that he had been previously unaware of multiple laws to which I cited in my legal responses. Then, the attorney supervisor at NYLAG lied to me repeatedly about how he would address my stated concerns regarding how the assigned attorney was handling my case. NYLAG's attorney supervisor would neither, as I asked, assign another attorney to my case nor seek technical expertise from a firm specializing my case issues and offering this assistance. Both attorneys said they reviewed all of my case documents yet every comment they made indicated they either hadn't or didn't comprehend them; they utterly mischaracterized rampantly in case assessment. Reporting this to NYLAG's managerial chain was a futile exercise. NYLAG's behavior in my case was like an anti-intellectual frat boy club basking in public plaudits for noblesse oblige to the "low-income and/or indigent" in NYC while corruptly hiding selective incompetence. The tone of response was silent ridicule for expecting competent legal representation as they seemingly expected me to accept contempt, condescension and lack of support with lip service. There seemed no interdisciplinary application of law at NYLAG, such as cross referencing of multiple different areas of the law; one NYLAG specialty division addressed my case and, though critical aspects were overlooked because of that, well, the attitude seemed to be that one should not expect much for such a low paycheck (even if it came with HRA subsidy). My case was complicated and required intellectual rigor, but received substandard legal attention from NYLAG and rather engendered hostility from NYLAG attorneys (due to my education seemingly being an affront to apparent elitist discrimination of their attorneys against low-income clients' integrity and intellect), torpid coercion to yield to status quo, and in fact, dangerous potential malpractice, confirmed by report to the City Bar Justice Center. I experienced ambush by attorney teleconference with curt dismissals of key elements of a case that were inconvenient for NYLAG to defend in deference to their comfortable position vis-a-vis some government agencies 1.25 days before the next court date. A common NYLAG response was 'no time' - for research, document review, court preparation or much of anything. NYLAG likely best services the immigrant demographic posting most of the positive reviews on Google and should market as an immigration law firm, not one that represents natural born citizens informed as to their Constitutional rights. In four months, NYLAG did nothing in court but show up and request adjournments for my case. Their attorneys, when calling me off record, constantly attempted to coerce me not to assert fundamental rights pivotal to my case defense. Their suspect efforts to distance themselves from their errors were rife. Further, no private attorney would dare make comments to a client such as NYLAG has made to me, implicitly slandering me and effectually threatening me against enforcement of my rights. Free 'services' from NYLAG came at cost for me as a natural born American citizen literate in the Constitution and federal laws; they came with a high price paid in experiencing duress and intimidation.