Collect customer feedback that increases website traffic, drives sales and provides actionable business information.
Control your image
It can be really difficult to reply in time to each review. Automate post-purchase communication, especially when you have profiles on multiple review sites.
Loyal customers
Meet the customers, respond to their concerns and create lasting relationships that will result in more returning visitors.
Building trust
79% of consumers trust reviews, so shorten the process of making decisions by customers. Build trust in your brand by showing your reviews.
The salsa tastes like tomato soup out of a can, and the guacamole tastes like its been sitting in the Whole Foods fridge display for a day or two. Would recommend burro bar, yellow door, or chilacates over here. How you mess up chips and salsa as a Mexican restaurant is beyond me
Se me antojo una sopa de tortilla pero resulta que la sopa está sin sabor alguno, pedí más comida no colocaron cubiertos, cucharas, servilletas les hace falta un poco más de profesionalismo
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