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State Of Florida
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State Of Florida reviews

Information about State Of Florida

97 reviews

The opinions come from external websites

Last update: 26.07.2024

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Nicole Noel
Ive been locked out my account since March. Ive sent my identification every way possible still nothing. Ive been trying to call everyday for the past 2 months and nothing cant even get through to a waiting room single mother of 6 !!! Cannot return to work due to my kids doing virtual school and my job still isnt open in my department anyway Ive been with the company very long time I need help
jude norelia
Just horrible that we pay money into this and when you run into a situation and need access to that money the people that they hire to do the job just ignore you. You get an automate system that hangs up on you.
Darla Perry
I'm pretty sure after calling everyday for 3 months and being hung up on by the robot service no one actually works here. What a joke that this is what we pay into and get in return!
Barney Gleason
So, now I've learned that they are now off the phones at 5pm, and the website shuts down as well !!. Every time they comment on the hours changing, it goes back to how wonderful they are and how much they've accomplished. Supposedly they need the overnights and weekends to process payments and send letters to claimants. The system seemed to have gotten somewhat better in January, but that, however, was just a blip, a tease, I guess, because myself and several others that I have spoken to are in the same boat of many weeks of pending payments and hearing the same phrase from the reps everytime we call " unfortunately you just have to wait, we are really busy and behind". OK, so let's talk about behind. I worked from October through January and obviously stopped requesting benefits at that time. Well my contract ended in late January and I began claiming weeks again. Those return to work issues will put you in an early grave. I've jumped through every hoop, answered any and all "fact findings", interviews, sent all additional documents,. tried every phone/fax number I can find, every e mail I could track down. I even requested 2 appeals which I recently withdrew out of fear that perhaps they were holding up my weeks- all 22 of them. I spoke to a rep last week, who claims to have completed everything that was pending and that all issues have now been cleared and that I should be seeing benefit payments any day now despite there are no updated notes on my account- UUUUUGGGGGHHHHH !