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Building trust
79% of consumers trust reviews, so shorten the process of making decisions by customers. Build trust in your brand by showing your reviews.
They pierced directly through her vein and and it nearly ruptured in her mouth, we went to a piercer today and he told us that he she could have nearly died if it would have ruptured and that shes lucky to be alive, she took it out some time ago but if she wouldve took it out sooner than that she wouldve bled out.i have photos but its not letting me add them to my review.
The guy messed up my tattoo then tried to blame me for moving when I wasnt moving at all. My lines were not straight on my flowers. He was like high off coke or something.
I got a industrial, helix, and navel done by big John he was very nice the piercings were quick and made sure I had spray for aftercare and knew how to use it I plan on getting my nose pierced next year and will definitely be coming back