AMBRO Manufacturing (AMBRO MFG)
We are a new customer with Shopworks. Here is our background, we are a 18 person shop, 3 automatics, several manuals, embroidery, sublimation etc. We've been in business for 30+ years. We can not express enough to you that in our opinion and based on our experience, under no circumstances can we recommend this software. Based on what we have experienced, we can only describe it as horrific and business damaging. In fact, In our opinion, if you buy it, it's going to hurt your business. Our experience shows the software to be very clunky and cumbersome. You feel like you lose control vs. gain it. It feels like it was started with a core of capabilities, and then bolted on to, over and over again, making it the least intuitive software we've ever used. It could take you a lifetime to figure out how to do stuff with it. It has been so utterly confusing and frustrating for us. It has actually paralyzed our business. I have a degree in computer science and I find it confusing to use. Our top 6 customers are complaining about it as well. Every person on our staff is having extreme difficulty in using it. The major issue we have with Shopworx, is that it allows you to make mistakes all day long. Mandatory fields are not available, so we have holes in our data. Setup is endless, and because it's based on Filemaker (in our opinion, a 3rd rate database platform) it is filled with limitations that up-to-date software just doesn't have. See Printavo and/or Stokkup. Shopworx has been a nightmare for us. We've asked for a refund and were denied. The first thing we heard from the owner Jay is that "well, you signed a document that says no refunds". But what's funny is he also says "we're not in the business of having unhappy customers out there" Jay, we're beyond unhappy. Jay then sent us a 4 page letter which basically said that we need to develop a better process and buy books to learn how to train our people and that their software is fantastic. So as a warning, know what you are getting into if you decide to work with them. If you want reporting, you'll most likely be frustrated with the mess of tables behind the scenes that don't have well labeled field names, so getting useful information out is almost impossible. Also, don't be surprised when orders that you enter get orphaned because you forgot to check a box (that isn't mandatory), those orders go into a place that nobody sees. Their solution ... build a report to look for orphaned orders. A better solution would have been to design the software to not allow orders to get orphaned. When it's time to place your order with Sanmar or Alpha, if you need to know what colors are available, you may be upset, because the print out and on screen view truncates the values of the colors, so you can't really see what you need to order. Their solution (wait 4 months for the next update) After the sale is made and you have the software is when they tell you that you need to buy 2 x 24" monitors for everyone who is using the system (Filemaker Limitation), so keep that in mind in advance. What is very frustrating for us is that they are sticking us with something that we've tried to communicate with them for the last 2 months, just isn't working for us. What kind of company does that? Every single issue that we bring up, they are quick to offer a "work around" and the problem for us is that we didn't invest $20,000 to have to do work around, we wanted a solution that worked for us. We were doing work around before we had software, so we could have kept doing that for free vs. paying for having to do them. During the pre-sales process, everything we asked was answered with "Yes it does that" and in a way, that's true, but it's also like saying can you walk to California from New Jersey? Technically, yes you can. But in reality, that proposition is fraught with issues. One last point, our customers are complaining. Contact me directly if you want to chat, I can help you avoid a huge mistake. Ask yourself this, why are they refusing to refund our money?