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Global Routes reviews

Information about Global Routes

9 reviews

The opinions come from external websites

Last update: 26.07.2024

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Kaya Halpern
My trip through Global Routes was incredible! The leaders of the trip and participants were so supportive and I continue to be influenced by the experiences and things that I learned about myself on this trip.
Julia Kirschenbaum
LOVE Global Routes! I went on the Global Routes Ecuador and Galapagos program the summer after my first year of high school. I can honestly say that my trip influenced my life in the most positive of ways--from the food choices I make to what I am studying in college. The leaders were amazingly supportive and handled the group really well. My group was really nice, and my homestay family was super welcoming. I will always remember seeing a blue whale while on a boat in the Galapagos, eating patacones with my host family, and hiking in Otavalo. So grateful for this experience! I would recommend Global Routes 10/10.
Samantha Avis
Thank you Samantha!! So awesome to host you in Kenya and Morocco. We LOVE the fact that you metion forming/performing here. Horray for group dynamics!
Global Routes introduced me to traveling at age 16 and gave me the tools I needed to eventually travel alone. Constantly being challenged through hiking trips, service in rural communities and forming/performing in a group were key in my growth as a person. I wouldnt trade my two summers with global routes (Kenya and Morocco) for anything!
Liza Sherretta
Global Routes was such a life-changing experience. It changed my perspective on the way I see the world and the people in it -- I wouldnt trade this experience for anything! Traveling with Global Routes gave me an opportunity to learn and grow, while feeling 100% safe and supported. My Ecuador & Galapagos trip has not only spurred my love of travel, culture, and adventure but has gifted me with some of my dearest, lifelong friends. Global Routes is the way to go!
Emma Leuchten
I went to Nepal with Global Routes and in the five weeks I spent there, I learned more about who I am and who I want to be than any other point in my life. I feel so incredibly lucky to have participated in this program. The leaders of the trip were the best I could ask for--super fun, interesting, responsible, and inspiring--and I met so many wonderful people in my group whom I will be friends with for years to come. Nepal is a magical place with the most welcoming of people. I was awed by its beauty on the 10-day trek, with mountainous landscapes and icy glaciers distracting me from the physical challenges of hiking. My home stay was comfortable and had some of the best food I've eaten (I still miss it), as well as the sweetest family that I still keep in touch with. It was very satisfying to have contributed to the building of the school and I enjoyed my time on the worksite. One of my favorite parts of the trip was traveling through Bhaktapur and Boudhanath--two beautiful cities I intend to visit again. As a whole, this trip was more amazing than I could have ever imagined. Global Routes gave me the tools to be a strong leader and compassionate friend.