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Attended their 'Messy Day'. Everything was so well organized. Lots of staff and volunteer help (I was one of the volunteers). Had over 200 people (kids and parents/caregivers) but it wasn't hectic, just fun!
Thanks for coming to play Rachel, we loving having you!
I love coming to the Lend and Learn library with my littles. The staff are always so encouraging, and my toddler LOVES playing with new toys. It's a great way to get to know other parents, too, and lots of helpful resources are provided.
Love taking my children to play in their toy library. They have snacks and drinks free to families. There are five play spaces: room 1 is house themed there is a play kitchen with food also in this room there are puzzles, dress up, and a little table. Room 2 has toy animals, vehicles, a slide, doll house, doll basketball court, everyday people action figures including people with disablities, farm toys, and balls. Room 3 is baby themed with soft places to put a baby down to play. There are sensory tubes, mirrors standing toy desks, blocks, chewable objects. Room 4 is art themed there are stamps, paint, markers, crayons, paper, ... Room 5 is the entry area there is a table with chairs setup next to a kitchen with snacks for kids and coffee for parents. There are some puppets, other misc toys and couches in this area. There are two bathrooms one has a changing table with diapers and there is a seat to put on the toilet for potty training. They have a nice tall step stool for children to wash their hands. There is a room for people who need children's clothing. Another room is for toys that can be checked out and taken home. First chance also gives diapers once a month to those who qualify for assistance. This place is also approved to earn baby bucks to spend at My Life Clinic's boutique.
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