Majid .Fozunbal
Majid, Your vehicle was turned into the Volvo dealer, and according to BMW's records, is still there. The vehicle must be turned into a BMW dealer. This is the reason that you have not yet received your security deposit. BMW has not received their vehicle back, and no inspection of the vehicle has been performed. We contacted our liaison with BMW Corporate, who is unable to locate a record of your phone call. Regardless, once the vehicle is officially returned to BWM and inspected, consideration can then be given to the potential return of your deposit. BMW has sent and email to you previously with all of this information. Regarding any required repairs, our goal is to always address issues efficiently and accurately, however when dealing with software, the programming can only be as effective as what we are provided with. As you had mentioned, these concerns were repaired, but required additional repairs later on. We diagnose these concerns with all of the information available to us, and it is always our goal to repair these concerns quickly. The idea that a discussion of the state lemon law was the primary reason your issues were finally addressed is inaccurate. Our suggestion would be to contact BMW corporate to make arrangements to have your leased vehicle turned in to a BMW dealer as quickly as possible. You are welcome to contact myself directly, or Michael Blomgren, who had been assisting you previously, at your convenience. Brad Vaill Guest Relations Director Celebrity Motor Car Company 973-319-3254
BMW financial is worse than their cars. We leased an x3 2019 from BMW dealership in Springfield and we suffered for three years. And now that the lease is finished they refuse to pay back my $3,800 security deposit since I leased an electric car from Volvo Polestar. I contacted BMW financial and asked about the security deposit. And the representative replied back to me at "I am happy to let you know that we are not going to send you back you security deposit ...". I do not buy their their bogus reasoning, and I file a lawsuit against BMW. Besides, this is new that customer service expresses "happiness to rip you off!!" Could not she/he have the courtesy at least to respond "I regret to inform you ... "? I am filing a lawsuit on Monday to both financial service and dealership. And let this representative collect her year end bonus accordingly. Throughout the three year lease, we had to take the car back to service department about 6 times for camera/software issues. And each time, after a few hours of wasted time, they said they fixed it till the next time in a couple months. I even had to discuss the NJ lemon law with them, and as a result they finally managed to fix the camera issues to avoid changing the car. And a couple times that my wife took the car to them for camera issues, they tried to sell her various types of repairs as well as insurance. And now that I am done with them, they do not let the drama finish and took my $3800 hostage. In response, I am filing lawsuit.