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Increase sales
Collect customer feedback that increases website traffic, drives sales and provides actionable business information.
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It can be really difficult to reply in time to each review. Automate post-purchase communication, especially when you have profiles on multiple review sites.
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79% of consumers trust reviews, so shorten the process of making decisions by customers. Build trust in your brand by showing your reviews.
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Reviews widgets on a website

Knowledge base mdi-chevron-right Features mdi-chevron-right Reviews widgets on a website

Reviews widgets on a website

    var RatingCaptain_data_script = {
        /* REQUIRED | Email, on this address will be send message */
            "email": "{$order->email}",
        /* REQUIRED | Order in your system, this field should be unique */
            "external_id": "{$order->id}",
        /* Optional - Products in this order, each product must have id name and price. */
        "products": [
                        "id": "{$product->id}",
                        "name": "{$product->name}",
                        "price": "{$product->price}",
                        "imageUrl": "{$product->image}",
<script src="https://api.ratingcaptain.com/js_v2/[Your website token]" async></script>

*Each item in bold must be properly configured depending on your system.
*Website token you can find here: Website page.
    var rc_products = {/literal}[{foreach from=$items item=i name=list}
    'id': '{$i->product_id}',
    'name': '{$i->name}',
    'price': '{$i->price_gross|money_without_currency}',
    'imageUrl': '{$i->product->images[0]->url|product_img_url:th100}'
        var RatingCaptain_data_script = {
            "email": '{client_email}',
            "external_id": '{order_id}',
            "products": rc_products
<script src="https://ratingcaptain.com/api/js_v2/[Your website token]" async></script>

*Website token you can find here: Website page.
    var rc_products = [{products}
        "id": "{products.product_id}",
        "price": "{products.float_price}",
        "imageUrl": "{products.img}",
        "name": "{products.name}"
    var RatingCaptain_data_script = {
        "email": '{email}',
        "external_id": '{order_id}',
        "products": rc_products
<script src="https://ratingcaptain.com/api/js_v2/[Your website token]" async></script>

*Website token you can find here: Website page.
    var RatingCaptain_data_script = {
            "email": "[[email]]",
            "external_id": "[[orderid]]"
<script src="https://ratingcaptain.com/api/js_v2/[Your website token]" async></script>

*Website token you can find here: Website page.
{% block page_checkout_finish_rating_captain %}
    {% set ratingProducts = [] %}
    {% for lineItem in page.order.lineItems.elements %}
        {% if lineItem.type is same as 'product' %}
            {% if lineItem.cover.url %}
                {% set ratingProduct = {
                    id: lineItem.payload.productNumber,
                    name: lineItem.label,
                    price: lineItem.price.totalPrice,
                    imageUrl: lineItem.cover.url,
                } %}
            {% else %}
                {% set ratingProduct = {
                    id: lineItem.payload.productNumber,
                    name: lineItem.label,
                    price: lineItem.price.totalPrice,
                } %}
            {% endif %}
            {% set ratingProducts = ratingProducts|merge([ratingProduct]) %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% set ratingCaptainData = {
        email: page.order.orderCustomer.email,
        external_id: page.order.orderNumber,
        products: ratingProducts
    } %}
        var RatingCaptain_data_script = [{{ ratingCaptainData | json_encode | raw }}];
    <script src="https://ratingcaptain.com/api/js_v2/[Your website token]" async></script>
{% endblock %}

*Website token you can find here: Website page.

How to add a reviews widget to a website?


Among the widgets available in the application, you will find: 

  • widget for the main page
  • badge
  • rating form
  • widget in the email footer
  • product widget


Adding a widget to a page, rating form, badge, and widget in the email footer:

  1. Log in to the Rating Captain application and go to the Widgets tab.
  2. Select which widget you want to add to the page.
  3. Configure the appearance of the widget and click Save new widget.
  4. On the right side, below the widget preview, a Copy code button will appear. Click it.
  5. Paste the copied code where you want it to be displayed on the page.



You can create multiple versions of the widget and change their names to make it easier to identify. You can change the widget name by double-clicking the pencil icon.


Good to know: To disable the widget, click the slider (the widget will disappear from the page but will still be visible in the saved widgets).



Adding a product widget

To add a product widget, integration with the Rating Captain system is required. If you are not integrated, go to the Page tab and select the appropriate integration.

  1. Go to the Widgets → Product widget tab.
  2. Configure the appearance of the widget and click Save new widget
  3. Copy the code below the widget preview.
  4. Paste the code in the appropriate place in the page script and replace Your product id with the product ID from the store



In addition to the product widget, you can include a product rating form on the page.

  1. To add the form, create a rating form and save it (Widgets → Rating form). 
  2. Then, in the product widget tab, click the Add product rating form button located in the widget preview.
  3. Now click Update.


If the basic options for adding widgets are not sufficient for you, you can modify them using CSS.

  1. To do this, below the preview of the selected widget, click the Edit CSS button.
  2. In the CSS Code Editor, add your own styles.
  3. Click the Update button.


Remember! If you make changes to existing widgets on your page and want the changes to be immediately visible on the page, click the Refresh widgets button.


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