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How to gather reviews for an online store on the Shoper platform?

Katarzyna Chomąt
06/12/2023 | 3 min read
How to gather reviews for an online store on the Shoper platform?

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    Shoper is one of the more popular e-commerce platforms that allows reaching thousands of customers. One of its advantages is definitely the possibility of very good SEO optimization. Furthermore, Shoper software has many integrations with external tools that help in managing online sales.


    Running an online store involves the constant struggle for customers. In the age of widespread internet access, it is extremely important to constantly monitor user opinions about the company to prevent reputation crises and loss of customer trust. Fortunately, the Shoper shopping platform allows integration with a tool for comprehensive opinion management.


    Why are customer opinions an important indicator of company development?


    Opinions about a company are important both for its potential customers and for the company itself. Consumers prefer to make sure whether they should choose your store or if the competition would be a safer choice. On the other hand, opinions show you how your store is perceived, whether customers are satisfied with the products, delivery time, and service, and whether there is a chance that they will make a repeat purchase.


    Contrary to appearances, customer opinions provide a lot of information about your customers. A thorough analysis of reviews will indicate the most common problems communicated by customers regarding service, delivery, and the offer itself. As a result, you can make the right decisions much easier and faster, which will result in increased customer satisfaction.


    Shoper platform and acquiring opinions


    If you have an online store on the Shoper platform, you can connect it with the Rating Captain application, which will acquire opinions from your customers. How does it work? It's very simple. After integrating Shoper with Rating Captain and selecting opinion-generating platforms on which you want to gather reviews, the application will send review invitations to your customers. However, Rating Captain is much more than just collecting and monitoring opinions on the Internet, the application has many functionalities that facilitate reputation management online.


    Rating Captain allows mediation with dissatisfied customers and turning them into returning customers. How is this possible? The application analyzes your customers' comments in terms of sentiment and indicates the cause of dissatisfaction. This way, you know how to react and what solution to propose.


    What will you gain from managing opinions with Rating Captain?


    Opinion management is a very important element of business strategy. Thanks to Rating Captain, this task becomes much easier and provides many benefits, including::


    • more positive opinions about your store;
    • greater brand trust, which translates into increased online sales;
    • better SEO positioning thanks to opinion widgets on the store's website;
    • an administrative panel with countless valuable data about your customers;
    • time savings thanks to communication automation;
    • the ability to display product reviews.


    With so many functionalities and benefits resulting from using the application, Rating Captain can be summarized as "Google Analytics for opinion management".




    Shoper is a popular SaaS software that focuses on providing the best customer experiences for visitors to stores on this platform. In addition to that, it has many useful integrations, including the Rating Captain application, which acquires positive opinions for your online store. It is very important that the opinions come from your customers, so you not only influence building trust among new customers but also show the existing ones that their opinion matters to you.

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