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How to use inbound marketing in company development?

Julia Kozak
28/11/2023 | 6 min read
How to use inbound marketing in company development?

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    In recent years, the most popular way of acquiring customers has become the marketing strategy called inbound marketing. It is a process based on contacting the recipient through various channels and attempting to obtain contact information from users interested in your offer. Inbound marketing will help increase traffic to your website and strengthen the sales process. Both large and small brands use this marketing strategy, creating valuable content in the form of a blog, for example. The internet is most commonly used to implement inbound marketing. How can you use this modern method to develop your company?



    What is inbound marketing?


    The strategy of inbound marketing is also known as "active incoming marketing". The concept originated a few years ago and comes from the United States. Inbound marketing is based on acquiring customers and aims to establish contact. The goal of this method is to encourage the customer to initiate contact with the company on their own. Inbound marketing is in opposition to traditional marketing methods.


    What does inbound marketing involve?


    This strategy of inbound marketing involves establishing contact with the customer and subsequently building long-lasting and valuable relationships with them. It focuses on new experiences that are intended to build trust and a mutual bond between the customer and the company. The effectiveness of inbound marketing lies in maximizing the interest of the recipient. Content on websites, it should address the needs of customers and include frequently asked questions.


    According to the guidelines of inbound marketing, customer relationships should be partnership-based and two-way. Emotional connections with users contribute to strengthening the wizerunku of the brand and the development of the company, thus allowing the creation of a loyal group of recipients. Furthermore, it allows for the acquisition of new sales leads. Attracting new customers is not easy. It is necessary to skillfully utilize content marketing on both the website and social media (such as Instagram, LinkedIn), offering internet users valuable content that will entice them to click. It is important to pay attention to what we offer to recipients. Most of us are bombarded with all kinds of advertisements at every turn, which has led to banner blindness - the reflexive ignoring of content that looks like advertisements. Users increasingly pay no attention to traditional marketing - outgoing marketing, but only focus on finding the content they need.



    How to grow your business and utilize inbound marketing?


    Above all, focus on quality, not quantity. Strive to conduct high-quality content marketing, such as blog articles, newsletters, or e-books, that address the needs of customers. Ensure that the content is tailored to the recipients, so that you can meet their needs and expectations. Engaging potential customers is essential. Every internet user will quickly leave your website if they do not find anything that sparks their interest.


    When a recipient enters a specific phrase in a search engine and comes across your offer in the search results, remember that this is not yet the key to success. In the inbound strategy, it is worth paying attention to additional information that can be found, for example, in a newsletter or generally on the website. Include answers to frequently asked questions and try to provide ready-made solutions to internet users. Consider how to refine the presented topic and how to persuade the customer to read the content posted on the blog. Adapt the information to the target group, and inbound marketing will help increase conversion.


    Utilize tools such as exit-pop up windows, which aim to keep users on the website, and offer free PDFs that can be obtained by entering their email address. Also, be careful not to be too pushy in your actions. It may have the opposite effect. Hubspot can be given as an example. The company effectively utilizes the potential of a blog and offers additional materials for download to its customers. Remember that simply creating appropriate content is not enough. You also need to promote it properly, and automation tools such as marketing automation can help you with that.

    Inbound marketing on social media


    The effectiveness of marketing activities lies in building brand awareness. Now that we have refined the content on the website to reach customers as effectively as possible, unfortunately, it is just the beginning of the journey. Let's not forget about the power of social media. Social media is an excellent channel to utilize in inbound marketing. It is important to maintain your fan page on various websites, not just Facebook or Instagram. You can also use platforms such as Linkedin, or Twitter.


    At every stage, consider the needs and expectations of customers. Tailor the content to the specific channel. If you create content on Instagram, remember what the target audience browsing that particular medium expects. Long newsletters or e-books will not work here. Instead, use Instagram Stories, take advantage of the Q&A feature, and maintain direct contact with recipients. This will greatly influence the lead nurturing process, which involves nurturing relationships with users.


    Advantages and disadvantages of inbound marketing


    Should you choose outbound marketing or inbound marketing? There are as many opinions as there are people. Before deciding on a strategy, it is worth considering the benefits and limitations of both methods.


    Let's start with outbound marketing, which is a traditional form but certainly not inferior. It has several important advantages. First and foremost, these actions are not a long process. The results are almost immediately visible. Customers see the advertised product and decide whether to buy it or not. Outbound marketing uses tools that are familiar to the recipient, which can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. We like what is familiar and associated, but at the same time, it can lead to boredom and the ignoring of such traditional means of communication. The main disadvantage of this method is the high cost of advertising, and furthermore, such advertising is not precisely targeted to the target group, so it may not be effective enough.

    In the strategy of inbound marketing, we use more modern tools, which can also be an advantage or a threat. For some customers, such a message may be incomprehensible or beyond their technological capabilities. The main advantage of inbound marketing is its nature. Unlike outgoing strategies, inbound actions are more subtle and decidedly non-intrusive. Users do not feel overwhelmed by too frequent advertising messages; they independently search for content, products, and services that interest them. A recipient who maintains close relationships with a particular company becomes a kind of ambasadorem and will recommend your offer to acquaintances. Inbound marketing will definitely help acquire new sales leads at a lower cost.

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