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7 ways to use Facebook Messenger Bot

Agnieszka Szczepanowska
06/12/2023 | 4 min read
7 ways to use Facebook Messenger Bot

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    What is conversational marketing? It's conversations that lead to sales. Since we're talking about conversation, it's clear that we're talking about mutual interaction. For this reason, many entrepreneurs try to build a relationship with the customer by expanding their sales department or dedicating their own time to it. And that's good.


    Nothing can replace the energy generated between living people. However, if you deal with a large number of repetitive inquiries, you can consider automation. Messenger Bot can help you - advanced artificial intelligence software that can simulate preliminary conversations with customers.


    Below you will find a description of seven ways to use chatbots that work with the Facebook platform. Take a look at them and consider whether it's worth implementing them.


    A Facebook bot can answer frequently asked questions


    Do you have a FAQ tab on your website? Great. How many people read it?


    Even if you have quite knowledgeable customers, some of them will still ask the same questions through Messenger. There's nothing stopping you from setting up a chatbot to automatically respond to such messages. This will save valuable time for your employees, and maybe even their nerves.


    Facebook Messenger for automatic contests? It's simple


    Activating your own customers is the key to effective marketing. We usually do this by asking open-ended questions. But imagine what will happen when you can get a reward for the answer. Such games can even be promoted by users who participate in them, bringing you more customers.


    The bot in the messenger can also conduct prize draws and answer any questions about the contest rules.



    Create promotions for new services and products added to the store


    You update your offer from time to time. Messenger Bot can send information about new products or services to your customers. Does this remind you of a newsletter? Correct. With younger internet users, this chat can be more effective. Don't hesitate and see what effect you will achieve.


    Make purchases using a bot on Messenger


    Yes, this is also possible. The chatbot will not only enable payments. Based on semantic analysis, it will identify which product interests the potential customer. It can then not only display the price but also suggest an alternative that better suits their taste.

    In your chat, you can even launch a professional gift advisory service. The user will then provide the gender and age of the recipient. And the software will choose something interesting for them.


    Messenger Bot will inform about changes in your calendar


    Vacation season? The chatbot will let your customers know when they can expect your return.


    The program will also be useful if the service completion dates are quite distant. Translating this to new prospects takes time away from fulfilling current obligations. By introducing this kind of automation, you not only present yourself in a professional manner but also make free dates appear faster. And you and your customers will benefit from this.



    The chatbot will collect data for market research


    What do you think of traditional market research? Surveys have become tiresome. Few people fill them out. By using chatbots in the Messenger application, you can collect answers to important questions on a larger scale. Later, it's enough to analyze this data to select ideal candidates for in-depth phone conversations.


    Building customer relationships through Messenger bot?


    If you're smiling to yourself while reading the above headline, you're quite right. The Messenger Bot will always remain an automation. Although with the development of machine learning and artificial intelligence, it increasingly resembles a human.


    Building a relationship with a potential buyer is not only done through real contact. Otherwise, writing a blog or newsletter wouldn't make sense either. In the chat window, you won't be able to elaborate as much. However, you can send your customers funny memes or jokes. Even if they are poor, they will remind them of your brand. It's a rather ironic but effective way.

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