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Customer satisfaction management - how to conduct measurement and monetize relationships with contractors?

Agnieszka Szczepanowska
14/12/2023 | 4 min read
Customer satisfaction management - how to conduct measurement and monetize relationships with contractors?

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    Customer satisfaction has a huge impact on the revenue you will generate from your business. A satisfied customer will not only be willing to come back to you in the future. It is also important that they will help you in building the reputation of the brand you are creating. Do you want to increase your budget? Find out what your customers really need. You can measure their satisfaction in a few simple ways.


    What is customer satisfaction really?


    Customer satisfaction consists of three factors. Interestingly, each of them has an impact on the other elements. It's about:


    • the quality of the product or service,
    • customer service,
    • consumer expectations regarding the purchase.


    As you can easily see, the entrepreneur mainly influences the first two components of satisfaction. The third one is very subjective and variable. It can be shaped to some extent through effective advertising. However, it is important to know the expectations of buyers before introducing a new product to your offer.


    The assessment of the quality of the product or service depends primarily on the characteristics of the product itself. Consumers want the purchase to solve their problem. However, they also pay attention to the packaging. They are interested in the information contained on it. Some of them (and here you can easily notice the influence of satisfaction elements on each other) are attached to a specific brand. The ratio of quality to price is also important.


    In today's times, the standard of customer service is very high. Therefore, your salespeople should make every effort to ensure that the customer leaves the store satisfied. They must know the products in the offer better than the owner of the company. It is also important for them to demonstrate high culture and openness. Buyers also notice details such as the store's decor or the aesthetics of the website. Whether they make purchases online or in-store, it must be convenient and enjoyable for them.


    customer satisfaction


    How is customer satisfaction measured?


    The level of customer satisfaction is determined using indicators. The most popular ones are CSI and NPS.


    In the research of the CSI indicator, a simple survey is used. The questions concern specific characteristics of the product. The respondent answers how they rate a given property on a given scale. They also inform how important it is for them for the product to have that property. This way, the entrepreneur can gain insight into the actual expectations of consumers and adjust their offer accordingly.


    The determination of the NPS indicator is based on a completely different approach. Respondents are asked about the likelihood of recommending a specific product to their friends. This way, they are divided into critics, neutral individuals, and brand promoters. Then, the percentage of each group among the total respondents is determined. Then, it is enough to subtract the number of critics from the number of promoters. The higher the result, the greater the customer satisfaction.


    Marketing surveys are not the only method of measuring customer satisfaction. You can analyze negative comments and messages with complaints. It is also worth reaching out to customers who have stopped buying your products. By knowing the reason for their resignation, you can develop an effective strategy for the future.


    What is the purpose of measuring customer satisfaction?


    Based on measuring satisfaction, you will identify the main sources of problems. This way, you will check the standard of customer service and develop new recommendations for your employees. You will also verify the alignment of your offer with consumer expectations. By knowing your customers, you will also know how to reach them with promotions. Through gradual actions, you can increase the number of buyers and ensure their loyalty.


    When to manage customer satisfaction?


    You can take care of customer satisfaction at every stage of your business. Based on research, you can:


    • adjust the pace of introducing new products to the changing market,
    • respond to demand already at the stage of designing the product or service,
    • ensure that your offer solves real consumer problems,
    • provide customers with high-quality service,
    • turn dissatisfied customers into returning ones,
    • maintain contact with buyers,
    • increase the effectiveness of all marketing activities,
    • build a positive brand image.


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