We focused our attention on Michelin star restaurants (listed under the business categories: Michelin star restaurant and restaurant in their Google Business Profile) that were not featured as advertisements. Furthermore, these establishments needed to have an average rating of no less than 4.0 stars on Google, with the maximum number of reviews possible.
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We've focused on Michelin star restaurants (categorized under 'Michelin star restaurant' and 'restaurant' in their Google Business Profile) that didn't appear as advertisements. Moreover, these establishments needed to have an average rating of no less than 4.0 stars on Google, backed by the maximum number of reviews.
We focused our attention on Michelin star restaurants (categorized as such in their Google Business Profile) that did not appear as advertisements. Furthermore, these establishments needed to have an average rating of no less than 4.0 stars on Google, with the maximum number of reviews possible.
We have considered michelin star restaurants (categorized as michelin star restaurant and restaurant in their Google Business Profile) that were not featured as advertisements. Furthermore, these establishments needed to have an average rating of no less than 4.0 stars on Google, with the maximum amount of reviews possible.
We focused on Michelin star restaurants (categorized as such in their Google Business Profile) that did not appear as advertisements. Furthermore, they needed to have an average rating of no less than 4.0 stars on Google, with the maximum number of reviews possible.
We focused on Michelin star restaurants (listed under the business categories of restaurant and Michelin star restaurant in their Google Business Profile) that were not featured as advertisements. Moreover, these establishments needed to have an average rating of no less than 4.0 stars on Google, with the maximum number of reviews.
We focused on Michelin star restaurants (categorized as such in their Google Business Profile) that did not appear as advertisements. Furthermore, these establishments needed to have an average rating of no less than 4.0 stars on Google, coupled with a substantial number of reviews.
We focused on Michelin star restaurants (categorized as 'restaurant' and 'Michelin star restaurant' in their Google Business Profile) that were not promoted through ads. Furthermore, these establishments needed to have an average rating of at least 4.0 stars on Google, with a significant number of reviews.
Jako przedsiębiorca na pewno poszukujesz różnych możliwości dotarcia do klientów. Inwestujesz w marketing, optymalizację w wyszukiwarce, tworzysz dokładne opisy produktów, dbasz o profesjonalną obsługę klienta. Robisz wszystko, aby wyróżnić się na tle konkurencji. I właśnie w tym mogą pomóc Ci gwiazdki Google.
Wybór najlepszej restauracji to nie zawsze łatwa sprawa – jest to bowiem to nie tylko jedzenie, ale i w dużej mierze cały anturaż. Trudność z wyborem dotyczy nie tylko nowego miasta, którego dobrze nie znamy czy też wyjazdów zagranicznych, ale też zwykłych, codziennych sytuacji, kiedy chcemy przyjemnie spędzić czas i dobrze zjeść. Dlatego użytkownicy, jeśli nikt nie poleci im miejsca osobiście, sprawdzają opinie na temat restauracji czy knajpki pojawiające się w sieci – na stronach z opiniami, blogach kulinarnych czy w social mediach. Są one kluczowe i często przeważają w przypadku decyzji o wyborze konkretnego miejsca. Mimo iż miejsce na obiad czy kolację nie jest wyborem typu „życie albo śmierć", to jednak nikt nie chce doznać rozczarowania.
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