Developing your own business requires dealing with increasingly difficult challenges. It's very easy to get lost in the maze of marketing coefficients and reports. Meanwhile, as entrepreneurs familiarize themselves with more advanced e-commerce concepts, consumers are busy with their own lives. And no indicator will convince them to behave contrary to basic logic.
Sometimes it's worth taking a step back and looking at the situation from a new perspective. This especially applies to Google reviews, which are the best expression of customer satisfaction and have a significant impact on search results. So check out what Internet users think, evaluating your brand based on reviews found under your Google Maps listing.
A situation as desired as it is unrealistic. Of course, there are companies with a rating of 5. However, these are usually small businesses that have not yet collected any negative reviews under their listing. If there are few reviews, the customer still considers the potential transaction a risk. Therefore, your goal should not be to achieve the maximum rating, but rather to maintain a score between 4.5 - 4.8 stars. The emphasis should be on gathering a large number of good reviews, which contribute to the average rating.
Companies whose customers are not very expressive are also not trusted. A high rating alone does not tell a person who is considering using your services much. They want to get more information than just the fact that everything is generally fine. Therefore, it is worth encouraging buyers to leave reviews with short comments. If they add photos to their reviews, it will work even more in your favor. And it will have a better impact on Google Maps listing SEO.
Seeing such a listing, the customer feels completely lost. They came to Google Maps for information about the company, but in the first moment, they feel like they know even less than before. What do they do next? They read the comments.
Now guess which entries they will pay attention to first - the positive ones or the negative ones? Something has already aroused their attention. So they will want to find out what is wrong with your company. This will put them on the path to giving up on your products or services.
What can you do? Get more positive Google reviews. Over time, negative reviews will only make up a small fraction of the whole.
A very alarming signal for customers. In such a situation, the consumer will likely turn around and go straight into the arms of the competition. Why? Because they prefer established companies. Because they want someone to dispel their doubts. If you don't meet their needs, you may never see them again.
The company doesn't exist. It doesn't matter if it has an attractive office in the center of a big city. It doesn't matter how many employees it has. If it's not on the Internet, it means it's not worth paying attention to. Or it invests in outdated solutions and completely misses the expectations of customers. It's even more not worth your time. Create a Google Maps listing as soon as possible. You don't want to be without one.
Business owners usually spend a lot of time trying to remove negative Google reviews. It's not always worth the effort. Of course, you should fight against fake reviews written by people who have never been your customers. You should also report to Google any situations where one person or company posts reviews from different accounts.
Internet users have been around for a while. They are sensitive to any artificiality in comments. They know that your competition can write reviews. And they won't always take such reviews seriously. Especially if you take care of one important thing. Your response.
If your response is thoughtful and professional, it can be your best advertisement. Always remember that not only the person who posted the review will read it, but also your future customers.
So use the text field under the Google review to show how much you care about ensuring customer satisfaction. Quickly thank for positive reviews. Also thank for negative ones, sincerely. Offer a solution to the problem. Don't hesitate to draw conclusions from negative reviews that lead to improving your business.
In this way, you will show that you are one of the leading entrepreneurs in your industry and that you don't turn away from the customer if something goes wrong.
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