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Effective advertising on the Internet in the 21st century

Hanna Bernikova
12/12/2023 | 10 min read
Effective advertising on the Internet in the 21st century

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    We live in a time of rapid development and technological progress. Such a movement in the world leads to the fact that people are forced to reach for the tool of effective thinking - "brainstorming" more often to create something new and innovative. With the active growth of the population, more ideas are emerging, along with more emerging businesses, services, and products.


    All of this leads to a greater demand for advertising. Unfortunately, one person is not able to process millions of existing advertisements in a day. That is why today people try to promote products to a more targeted and desired target group.


    In order to compete effectively, a person running their own business must constantly "stay in shape" - be aware of trends, know the current market situation, as well as the proposals and preferences of their consumers.


    What is advertising?


    The concept of advertising comes from the Latin word reclamo, reclamare, which means "to shout". In our times, advertising has almost the same meaning. It conveys messages to the consumer, sometimes even shouting out ideas invented by the entrepreneur.


    In other words, advertising is information that is disseminated among a wide range of people through various methods to attract attention. It is a way of promoting products without the cooperation of potential customers.


    The main goal of good advertising is to attract and persuade specific target groups to take the desired action desired by the entrepreneur. For example: convincing the consumer to purchase a product, use a service, or inform about the company, etc. The long-term goal of advertising is to create a brand name and increase brand awareness.


    The main goal leads to possible tasks that advertising can handle


    Informing - shaping awareness and knowledge about a new product, specific event, or company

    Persuading - gradually convincing the buyer to make a purchase; promoting the act of buying

    Reminding - maintaining awareness, retaining information about the product in the memory of consumers in between purchases; reminding where the product can be purchased

    Positioning (repositioning) a product or company

    Maintaining customer loyalty to the advertised brand

    Image - creating a company image different from the image of the competition.


    reklama 2021


    How did advertising come about?


    Advertising appeared even before the invention of money, with the advent of barter. Ancient people exchanged goods, which were calculated as equivalent, for example, they exchanged a goat for a weapon, a bear skin for an axe, etc.


    Before the advent of writing, people used whispered advertising. For this purpose, they used so-called barkers or invented funny advertising texts and placed them in public places. The first marketing masters appeared in the ancient world.


    Modern marketing began to develop after the invention of the printing press, i.e., textual advertising. This was a huge step for the marketing industry. Thanks to printing presses, it was possible to create large print runs of advertisements in newspapers. Tefoast Rondo is considered the precursor of modern advertising, and the American company Volney Palmer, founded in 1842, is considered the first company specializing in advertising.


    Social advertising was and still is very popular. The first example of this kind is James Flagg's poster "The American Army Needs You" from 1917. Later, a similar poster appeared in the Soviet Union. In the late 20th century, the first online advertising appeared.


    old ads


    Creating effective advertising?


    You never know which advertisement will work best. But you can always adjust it so that it doesn't fail completely. To do this:


    • Conduct market research to find out the demand for a particular product and whether it will be relevant.
    • Formulate campaign goals by answering a simple question: What results do you expect from advertising?
    • List the needs of your potential users and choose a promotional platform. For example, if the consumer is 18-25 years old, the best choice for promotion will be advertising on social networks - Facebook Ads.
    • Decide where the advertisement will be visible.
    • Set time frames by analyzing market research to achieve the highest conversion rate.


    These points do not guarantee a perfectly conducted advertising campaign, but they will definitely increase the chances of its effectiveness by 100%. If you have no experience in running campaigns, try implementing the above guidelines.


    The most effective and popular types of advertising in 2021


    Effective Internet advertising


    What is effective Facebook advertising and Google Ads? Facebook Ads and Google Ads are platforms where you can create a campaign as you want without outside help. Just register and follow the instructions on the website. These platforms use principles such as CPC (Cost per click) and PPC (Pay per click), which means that you create the ad configuration at the very beginning and pay for it online after the end of the campaign (a period that you determine), namely for visits to your website. Optimization is a very important element of marketing activities. The main tasks of contextual promotion optimization are to reduce the cost per click and increase the CTR (click-through rate). To achieve these goals, you can use various tools, including the selection of low-frequency phrases and keywords targeted at search engines.


    Everyone checks a company's business card before using its services. By using this tool - Google My Business, you will manage your business online in the Google search engine. Google allows you to receive information about potential customers, which will help you as an advertiser understand which marketing direction to go in.


    Facebook campaigns include conducting advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. For example, you can create a post with a contact form that can increase the number of visits to your website and track website traffic. One of the most popular books on this topic is "Effective Advertising on Facebook" by Artur Jabłoński.


    Content marketing on social media


    Many companies use social media for SMM promotion. With content, you can inform your audience about a product or service, increase loyalty, or understand the needs of the target group. You can also attract the attention of potential buyers on social media by temporarily collaborating with a blogger. Influencer marketing is one of the most effective ways to increase brand and product awareness.


    Email marketing


    Not everyone takes email newsletters seriously, thinking that it's just spam. However, statistics show that in 2020, the use of email campaigns increased by 46%. Although email is not at the peak of popularity, it has been and remains one of the main elements of the promotion strategy for any company.


    Another effective tool of online marketing is a newsletter. A newsletter is a bulletin sent to a user's email address, informing them about new products, services, and promotions. By sending follow-ups to subscribers, you can also offer them the opportunity to download a guide or other interesting material. The guide can serve both to attract new customers by solving their problems and as an addition to a product or service, describing the usage process and frequently asked questions. Remember that before sending emails to the mailbox, you must ask the customer for permission to receive offers and updates from your company.


    Video marketing


    Market researchers predict further growth in video content. In 2021, it is becoming increasingly difficult for consumers to spend time reading long texts; they prefer to watch videos that do not require concentration and filtering - in fact, they consume ready-made content.


    The video content surrounding us includes YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook stories, TV programs, online courses, online training, etc. With the advent of TikTok and InstaStories, the situation has worsened because consumers have liked 15-second format videos. This makes it increasingly difficult for marketers to retain potential customers because they expect condensed information right away. However, creating an effective video advertisement is not as difficult as it may seem at first.


    TikTok ads


    Mobile advertising


    Since the beginning of Covid-19, users have been spending even more time on their mobile devices. Therefore, it is a wise decision to advertise a product on platforms where consumers spend the most time. Today, 90% of the world's population uses mobile phones, not to mention social media and games. Most people use smartphones for communication through SMS messages, video and audio calls, work, and training purposes. Therefore, using a mobile device to promote your brand is a very smart decision for a company.


    Using graphics in promotion


    The goal of this type of promotion is to display an image and wait for users to see, click, and convert - by creating high-quality graphics and relevant call-to-action elements. Placing video in banner ads is a growing trend, and there is evidence that it significantly increases customer engagement. For example, Bannerflow reported that creating graphic ads with videos can increase CTR by over 15%. This form of advertising allows marketers to use information collected from previously visited websites and present them with personalized ads, highlighting what is really important to them when they next visit your site. This approach is commonly known as "remarketing".


    Using artificial intelligence for advertising campaign automation


    The biggest advertising trend that companies are using online is probably automation, which involves using artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithms. This allows brands to reach an even larger number of potential audiences. With the development of customer communication channels, managing them becomes increasingly difficult. The problem is solved by using artificial intelligence because it uses signals of personalization and real-time customization for individual campaigns through any channel.


    In such advertisements, exciting trends such as the use of voice search and voice commands for commercial purposes, adopting blockchain or 5G networks, are likely to increase in 2021. As reported by Kai Sulkowski from Dmexco, 40% of people using voice search claim to also use it in their work. We can expect that brands will be interested in developing their own applications for use with voice assistants. In this way, Alexa or Siri will facilitate communication between customers and companies, improving interactions between the two sides.



    What is the advertising of the future?


    Everyone loves movies about the future, where cars fly, and people go on vacation to Mars and travel in space. Focusing on such technologically advanced futures, we quickly promote unusual ideas.


    Marketing is also not standing still. Recently, the Russian company StartRocket created the Orbital Display technology. Its essence is that a swarm of small satellites at an altitude of 400-500 km above the Earth, each equipped with a large reflective element, moves to create various logos or slogans in the sky. In other words, StartRocket invented celestial advertising in the sky.


    Are these not future technologies that can appear in our lives from day to day?


    Reklama na niebie StartRocket





    Advertising is a powerful tool that can have a huge impact on consumers' perceptions, worldview, and preferences. The most important thing is to learn how to use it to achieve good results in promoting your company. Remember that marketing helps to communicate with people, but it does not solve all problems. When conducting a promotional campaign, you need to learn to listen to your customers, think like them, and see the world as they do. The main principle of advertising effectiveness is to focus on the potential customer's pain points. You show them their problem and how you can help solve it.



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