We focused on Indian restaurants listed under the business categories of Indian restaurant, Asian food, and Indian food in their Google Business Profile. Importantly, these restaurants were not featured as ads. Additionally, each restaurant needed to have an average rating of at least 4.0 stars on Google, with a significant number of reviews.
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We focused on Michelin star restaurants (listed under the business categories of restaurant and Michelin star restaurant in their Google Business Profile) that were not featured as advertisements. Moreover, these establishments needed to have an average rating of no less than 4.0 stars on Google, with the maximum number of reviews.
The analysis included grocery stores (with the categories "grocery store" and "grocery store" in the Company Profile) that were not promoted through advertisements. Additionally, their average rating had to be at least 4.0 stars on Google with the highest number of reviews.
We carefully considered Arenas and Stadiums that were not displayed as ads, but had a business category of Stadium and Arena in their Google Business Profile. These venues had to have an average rating of at least 4.0 stars on Google, with a high number of reviews.
The ranking was created by searching for shoe stores on Google Maps in San Diego.
The ranking was created by searching for clothing stores on Google Maps in San Diego.
The ranking was created by searching for bridal salons on Google Maps in Portland.
The ranking was created by searching for real estate agencies on Google Maps in Boston.
We carefully considered teatres (with the following business categories in their Google Business Profile: theater) that were not shown as advertisements. Moreover, their average rating had to be at least 4.0 stars on Google with the highest possible number of reviews.
We carefully considered furniture stores (with that exact category in their Google My Business Profile) that were not advertisements. In addition, their mean rating had to be no less than 4.0 stars on Google with the utmost conceivable count of reviews.
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