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It can be really difficult to reply in time to each review. Automate post-purchase communication, especially when you have profiles on multiple review sites.
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79% of consumers trust reviews, so shorten the process of making decisions by customers. Build trust in your brand by showing your reviews.
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Olga Feoktistova
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It happens that a company advertises and invests in SEO optimization, but sales are still low. At the same time, there is traffic on the website, but visitors are not in a hurry to take targeted actions. The team of the Ringostat platform has described 14 ways to increase conversion. And provided good examples.

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Agnieszka Szczepanowska
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You run an online store. Customers come to your platform, browse products, and sometimes make a purchase. However, if you calculate the cost of acquiring a buyer correctly, your business doesn't satisfy you. You feel like you can do more.

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We have repeatedly mentioned that a company should increase its visibility on the web by being present on various influential portals, where potential customers can find it. One valuable place to gather reviews is Google Merchant Center, which houses a special program - Google Customer Reviews. Read on to find out why it's worth joining and how to collect reviews with Rating Captain.

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Robert Cialdini in his book "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" described six basic rules. Alongside reciprocity, commitment and consistency, liking and sympathy, authority, and scarcity, there is also social proof. You may have heard about it quite often. You may even use this term yourself without thinking deeply about its meaning.

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In order to support store owners in building a positive image and increasing sales, one of the largest e-commerce platforms - DecoNetwork has created a very intuitive integration with the Rating Captain application. Thanks to this connection, obtaining feedback from your own customers and managing ratings and comments from one place is much easier. Check out how easily you can connect your DecoNetwork store with Rating Captain.

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As a business owner, you are surely looking for various ways to reach customers. You invest in marketing, search engine optimization, create detailed product descriptions, and provide professional customer service. You do everything to stand out from the competition. And that's where Google stars can help you.

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